
Showing posts from January, 2021

My E- portfolio👩‍🏫

E- portfolio by Ransika Gamage Hello! I'm Ransika Gamage  🙋‍♀️ This portfolio is based on my 40-hour online teaching practicum, held from December 7th to January 3rd. As an undergraduate in the Department of English Language Teaching at the University of Kelaniya, pursuing a Special Degree in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language), I had to complete my training session online due to the prevailing pandemic situation in the country. This e-portfolio will provide you with a clear understanding of my online teaching practicum. This blog consists of a philosophical statement about teaching, a reflective summary of 40 hours of teaching sessions, two observation write-ups, testimonials, and twenty lesson plans with materials and feedback received from the students.  Say Hello to my Kids!   👦👧👋 👧👦

Teaching Philosophy Statement👩‍🏫

  Teaching Philosophy Statement "I touch the future. I teach" is the motto of my teaching career, which always makes me aware of the responsibility and commitment in my hands, not for personal gain but for teaching theory along with good life lessons while preparing the students to be good citizens for the nation. According to Ward (1987), the mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates and the great teacher inspires. According to my opinion, a good teacher is an admixture of all the qualities expressed by Ward (1987). Teaching is such a noble service that is more than just a job that one should embrace within our innards, being a mother, sister or sometimes a friend to the learners. As I think, what students learn from a teacher is not limited to the formal syllabus; the role modeling of the teacher should make students learn magnificent life lessons that shape their personalities as good human beings.  My teaching career began immedi

Reflective Summary📝

Reflective Summary I would like to begin this summary by recalling the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has dominated the world since late 2019. The pandemic has drastically altered people's lives, including the academic pursuits of TESL undergraduates at the University of Kelaniya, who were required to complete their teaching practicum online. This sudden shift posed a considerable challenge, as synchronous teaching was unfamiliar not only to the students but also for the teachers. Despite this, we were tasked with covering 40 hours of teaching sessions via the Zoom application. Following our supervisors' guidance, we had to find 2-6 students from the same grade. As a tuition teacher, I successfully recruited five Grade 7 students from R/Kalawana National School, consisting of three girls and two boys. All students were interactive, except for one introverted girl who participated by responding to questions via the WhatsApp group or Zoom chat box. The class w

Observation Write-ups✍

Observation Write-ups During my online teaching practice, there were two observation sessions conducted by my supervisors. Observation is a crucial aspect of teaching practice; however, it is important to recognize its nature and limitations (Richards, 2007). To address these limitations effectively, attention must be given to various teaching methods and strategies. The feedback provided by the supervisors during these observations was instrumental in refining my pedagogical approach and correcting my instructional mistakes. The first observation took place on December 10, 2020, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The lesson focused on the topic of punctuation. The class comprised three girls and two boys, all from Grade 7 at R/Kalawana National School. While the students were generally interactive, one girl, being an introvert, participated via the WhatsApp group or Zoom chat box. The class was homogeneous, with all students being Sinhalese and possessing intermediate English proficiency. To

A Journey to Contentment😍

A Journey to Contentment  "Things end, but memories last forever." Here I am sharing few of my memorable experiences with you during my online teaching practicum session.  My Loving kids 👧👦 Their creative work 👌 Feedback of the students (I didn't ask to prepare any of these. But they surprised me on the last day) 🥰 My wish for them 👨‍🎓👩‍🎓


  Testimonials a) Evidence of attendance reports 01) Day 01 02) Day 02 03) Day 03 04) Day 04 05) Day 05 06) Day 06 07) Day 07 08) Day 08 09) Day 09 10) Day 10 11) Day 11

Lesson Plans and Materials📚

Lesson Plans and Materials  a) Lesson plans with activities 01) Lesson Plans Week 01 02) Lesson Plans Week 02 03) Lesson Plans Week 03 04) Lesson Plans Week 04 b) Lesson Materials  01) Day 01 02) Day 02 03) Day 03 3.3 A PowerPoint Presentation on Punctuations 04) Day 04