Teaching Philosophy Statement👩‍🏫


Teaching Philosophy Statement

"I touch the future. I teach" is the motto of my teaching career, which always makes me aware of the responsibility and commitment in my hands, not for personal gain but for teaching theory along with good life lessons while preparing the students to be good citizens for the nation. According to Ward (1987), the mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates and the great teacher inspires. According to my opinion, a good teacher is an admixture of all the qualities expressed by Ward (1987). Teaching is such a noble service that is more than just a job that one should embrace within our innards, being a mother, sister or sometimes a friend to the learners. As I think, what students learn from a teacher is not limited to the formal syllabus; the role modeling of the teacher should make students learn magnificent life lessons that shape their personalities as good human beings. 

My teaching career began immediately after I completed my Advanced Levels. Due to a shortage of English teachers, the principal of my mother's school requested that I volunteer to teach English to students in a rural area. This initial teaching experience significantly influenced me, leading to a pivotal decision in my life: selecting a TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) degree for my undergraduate studies. Since that time, I have been employed as a tuition teacher in various institutions. I am now proud to assert that the TESL degree has substantially contributed to my development as an advanced and experienced teacher.

A fundamental aspect of effective teaching, in my view, is the rapport established with students in the classroom. As a young educator, my objective is to be approachable and empathetic, thereby consistently fostering a learner-friendly environment. I maintain that a productive relationship between a teacher and students is built on a foundation of mutual understanding and trust. Upon entering a classroom, I adopt the role of a confidante, sharing my personal and academic experiences to build trust and create a comfortable learning atmosphere. I believe that, to accurately assess and meet students' needs, a teacher must first gain a comprehensive understanding of their profiles.

As teachers, our primary role is to assist and facilitate students in acquiring both knowledge and skills. Students constitute a diverse group with creative and expansive perspectives on the world, encompassing a range of positive and negative viewpoints. Given that some students are extroverted while others are introverted, it is essential to maintain a neutral stance in the classroom, welcoming and respecting all levels and ideas to uphold classroom standards. Additionally, teachers should create an open platform for students to express their creative thoughts, fostering the development of future leaders who are both prominent and adept at accepting challenges.

In my view, a successful teacher or lecturer establishes clear goals and objectives for their students, serving as a roadmap to achieving learning outcomes effectively. My approach emphasizes teaching students practical language usage over mere memorization and narration. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to understand students' levels, preferences, and challenges explicitly. Teachers should consistently present students with challenges, and students should set goals within the classroom, rather than merely completing activities. To achieve targeted outcomes effectively, teachers should employ engaging teaching materials suitable for all levels of learners.

During the pandemic, there has been an increased demand for technology, with students becoming accustomed to virtual learning methods. Consequently, teachers should embrace this shift positively and stay current with new trends rather than adhering strictly to traditional teaching methods. In face-to-face learning contexts, it is beneficial to implement blended learning, combining both traditional and modern teaching approaches.

Furthermore, a teacher should demonstrate love and affection towards students. I habitually address my students as "putha" (Son or Daughter), as they appreciate this closeness and affection within the learning context. I often joke with my students, as I find joy in seeing their cheerful laughter. Additionally, I make it a point to dress neatly and appropriately when meeting students, as they often take pride in introducing their teachers as elegant and well-presented individuals.

A teacher or a lecturer must also be confident and thoroughly prepared before each lesson. Continuous professional development is essential; thus, teachers should actively seek additional information to learn new concepts and provide their students with the most current learning theories and materials. In essence, my teaching philosophy is shaped by my experiences thus far in my career. I am confident that this philosophy will evolve as I continue to learn and grow.

In conclusion, my aim is to be the best teacher I can be, fulfilling the roles of a friend, mentor, facilitator and prompter for my students. I believe that the greatest contentment and blessing for a teacher is the positive impact they have on their students' lives.


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