Reflections on My Visiting Lecturing Journey at the University of Kelaniya- Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies

 A Heartfelt Return: Visiting Lecturing Experience at the University of Kelaniya

Returning to My Roots

Returning to the University of Kelaniya, where I once walked the lecture halls as an undergraduate, was an experience filled with deep gratitude and pride. As a graduate of the Department of English Language Teaching (DELT), it was an honor to return to the University of Kelaniya as a visiting lecturer in English under the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies. This role was more than just a teaching position; it was an opportunity to express my appreciation for my university which rooted and nurtured me during my formative years. 

Walking through the familiar corridors and stepping into the same lecture halls where I once sat as an undergraduate brought back a flood of memories with nostalgia. It was a surreal experience, blending the past with the present, and I felt a deep sense of responsibility to contribute to the growth and success of the current students. This opportunity allowed me to reflect on my own journey, how far I had come and the importance of giving back to the community that played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today.

Guiding First-Year Undergraduates

As a visiting lecturer, I had the privilege of guiding first-year undergraduates from the Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies. This program was meticulously designed to enhance their receptive and productive skills, with a strong focus on communication and presentation skills. Beyond mere language proficiency, the program aimed to foster interaction, build team spirit and leadership skills and provide students with the exposure they need in their respective fields of study. The content was carefully crafted to include real-world applications, such as talking about experiences, giving instructions and directions, navigating university life and developing essential jargon relevant to their degree programs. I found it essential to create a curriculum that not only addressed the academic needs of the students but also prepared them for the professional challenges they would face in the future. By integrating practical scenarios and degree-related activities, I aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. It was crucial to me that the students left the program with a solid foundation in both language and industry-specific skills, setting them up for success in their academic and professional endeavors.

Overcoming Language Barriers

One of the challenges I encountered was the limited exposure of the undergraduates to the English language. Understanding this, I made it my mission to encourage them to use English as much as possible during our lectures. However, recognizing the importance of making the content accessible, I employed code-switching and code-mixing techniques where necessary. This approach created a learner-friendly environment, reassuring students that grammar and pronunciation mistakes are a natural part of learning a second language (L2). I emphasized the importance of embracing these errors as stepping stones toward improvement, constantly motivating them to practice English without fear. I wanted the students to feel comfortable and confident in their language journey, knowing that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. By fostering a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere, I hoped to break down the barriers that often prevent students from actively participating in English-speaking environments. My goal was to build their confidence, encouraging them to take risks and use English more freely in both academic and social settings.

Interactive Learning Strategies

To make the learning experience more engaging and enjoyable, I incorporated various interactive warm-up activities, icebreakers and learner-centered games during the lectures. These included mini-speeches about their future aspirations, Pictionary, Charades, hangman, Padlet activities and Wisc-Online games that I personally designed. These activities not only made the lectures lively but also instilled a sense of enthusiasm in the students, making them eager participants in their learning journey. Each activity was carefully chosen to complement the lecture content while providing a fun and interactive way to practice language skills. I noticed that these activities not only enhanced their English proficiency but also helped them develop critical thinking, creativity and teamwork. The positive energy and excitement generated during these sessions were contagious and I could see a significant improvement in their confidence and willingness to engage in English. By breaking the monotony of traditional lectures, these activities fostered a dynamic and interactive classroom environment where students felt more connected to the material and to each other.

Sharing Personal Experiences

In addition to the structured content, I often shared my personal undergraduate experiences from the same lecture halls. I told them, "I was once in your shoes, but through determination and consistent effort, I shaped my life into what it is today." This personal connection resonated with many students, some of whom approached me privately for advice on improving their speaking abilities. I offered practical tips, such as watching English or Hindi movies with English subtitles, pausing to look up unfamiliar words, listening to English songs while reading the lyrics, reading English newspapers and watching public speaking videos. These suggestions were well-received, and I could see a genuine desire in them to improve and succeed. By sharing my own journey, I aimed to inspire them to see the potential within themselves and to recognize that with perseverance, they too could achieve their goals. The conversations I had with these students were some of the most rewarding moments of my time at the University of Kelaniya, as I could witness firsthand the impact of my guidance on their confidence and motivation.

A Rewarding Experience

My time as a visiting lecturer at the University of Kelaniya was truly rewarding. I took great care in identifying and addressing the unique needs of the students from the Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, tailoring my approach to help them thrive. At the end of the program, I shared a Google feedback form to gather their thoughts on their learning experience and the positive responses I received were overwhelming. Their words of appreciation and the progress they made filled me with pride and a deep sense of fulfillment. It was humbling to see how much they had grown in such a short time and how the program had impacted their academic and personal lives. The feedback provided valuable insights into their learning journey, highlighting the areas where they felt most challenged and where they experienced the greatest growth. This experience reinforced my belief in the importance of student-centered teaching and the power of education to transform lives. The students' achievements were a testament to their hard work and dedication and I felt privileged to have been a part of their journey.

Feedback I received from my students

A Lasting Connection

In conclusion, my experience as a visiting lecturer at my Alma mater was more than just a professional achievement; it was a journey of personal growth and emotional connection. I miss those students dearly and they will always hold a remarkable place in my heart. The memories we created together and the impact we had on each other's lives, are treasures I will carry with me always. Teaching at the University of Kelaniya allowed me to reconnect with my roots and contribute to the development of future leaders in the field of commerce and management. It was a profound reminder of the importance of giving back to the community that shaped me and of the enduring bond between a lecturer and an undergraduate. As I look back on this chapter of my life, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these bright and talented individuals. The lessons I learned from them and the joy of watching them grow, will forever be etched in my memory.

To my students from the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies,

As you embark on your future endeavors, remember that you have the potential to achieve great things and to make a positive impact on the world. Carry forward the values and skills you have developed and continue to strive for excellence in all that you do. I wish you all the very best in your academic and professional endeavors. May you carry forward the reputation of our university as productive graduates and exemplary citizens, making a meaningful impact in the world!!!


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