Visiting Lecturing Diaries: Faculty of Computing & Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences at SLIIT

 A Cherished Chapter at SLIIT

My experience as a visiting lecturer in English at the Faculty of Computing and Faculty of Humanities and Sciences at SLIIT (Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology) has been nothing short of extraordinary. Being part of the Bridging Program, aimed specifically at freshers allowed me to play a vital role in shaping the early stages of their academic journey. This program was meticulously designed to enhance not only their work-related communication, reading and writing skills but also to build their confidence in communication and presentation. It went beyond mere academics, focusing on fostering a sense of integration, encouraging interaction and building team spirit among these bright and eager students. Through this journey, I witnessed firsthand how leadership, creativity and initiative blossomed within them, making the experience truly rewarding.

Innovative Teaching Approaches

Throughout my time at SLIIT, I made it a point to integrate interactive warm-up activities, icebreakers, and learner-centered games into my lectures. These activities, including creative miming, the word chain game, Padlet activities, singing songs, Kahoot games, hangman and mini debates, kept the students engaged and excited to attend the lectures. Their willingness to embrace challenges and their remarkable exposure to the English language made teaching them a joy. I was constantly impressed by their talent, creativity and openness to new ideas.

One of the key elements of my teaching strategy was to create an environment where learning felt dynamic and enjoyable rather than a chore. I introduced games like Kahoot, which not only tested the students' knowledge but also added an element of friendly competition making learning a shared and fun experience. The buzz of excitement that filled the room during these sessions was contagious and it was rewarding to see students who might have been shy or hesitant at first, gradually come out of their shells and participate more actively.

Creative miming was another activity that sparked a lot of laughter and engagement. By encouraging students to express themselves without words, this activity helped them think more deeply about non-verbal communication and its importance in real-world interactions. It was fascinating to see how their confidence grew with each round as they became more comfortable with thinking on their feet and expressing ideas in innovative ways.

The word chain game and Padlet activities, on the other hand, were great tools for enhancing vocabulary and collaborative learning. Through the word chain game, students had to think quickly and creatively, expanding their vocabulary in a way that felt more like play than study. Padlet, with its interactive and visually engaging interface, allowed students to share their thoughts, ideas and projects in a collaborative online space fostering a sense of community even in a digital environment.

Singing songs was another unexpected yet effective way to break the monotony of traditional learning. Music has a unique way of bringing people together and by incorporating it into the classroom, I was able to create a more relaxed and open atmosphere. It was wonderful to see students bond over shared musical tastes and the act of singing together helped to strengthen their language skills in a fun and memorable way.

Mini debates were another powerful tool in my teaching arsenal. They challenged students to think critically, articulate their thoughts clearly and defend their positions with confidence. These debates often sparked lively discussions and allowed students to explore different perspectives, sharpening their communication skills in the process. It was incredibly fulfilling to watch them grow more assertive and articulate with each debate, ready to take on any challenge that came their way.

Incorporating these innovative approaches wasn't just about making the lectures more enjoyable; it was about creating a holistic learning experience that catered to the diverse needs of my students. By blending traditional teaching with interactive activities, I was able to reach students on multiple levels, ensuring that each one of them could find something in the lessons that resonated with their learning style.

This approach also helped to build a stronger rapport between myself and the students. They knew that they could look forward to something different in each session, which kept their interest alive and encouraged regular attendance. Their enthusiasm was a constant reminder of why I love teaching and their growth throughout the program was a testament to the effectiveness of these methods.

Interactive Learning and Beyond

Before the pandemic, we organized a range of activities that not only enriched the students' learning experience but also allowed them to showcase their creativity and teamwork. The paper fashion show, balloon festival and drama competition were some of the highlights that unfortunately, we couldn't continue in 2023. However, 2023 brought new opportunities and with fresh undergraduates, we introduced the Food Festival and Comic-Con. These events were not just about fun; they were a platform for students to express their creativity, work collaboratively and even give back to the community.

The Food Festival and Comic-Con were held together, creating a vibrant and memorable experience for everyone involved. The enthusiasm and creativity displayed by the students were remarkable and it was heartwarming to see not just the students, but also the academic staff enjoying the events. The best food stall and the best act were selected, adding a competitive spirit to the celebrations. What touched me the most was the generosity of the students from the Faculty of Computing, who donated the funds raised from the food festival to the cancer hospital, a gesture that truly reflects the compassionate spirit of the fresh undergraduates of SLIIT.

Glimpse of the Food Festival & Comic-Con- 2023

Feedback from My Students- Faculty of Humanities & Sciences

Feedback from My Students- Faculty of Computing

A Heartfelt Connection

The period I spent at SLIIT as a visiting lecturer was incredibly fulfilling, both professionally and personally. Identifying and catering to the diverse needs of students from both the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences and the Faculty of Computing allowed me to tailor my approach to their degree-related activities, ensuring that each lecture resonated with their unique academic paths. Each student brought something unique to the table, and witnessing their growth, both in skill and confidence was immensely rewarding. I miss these kids dearly, as they left an indelible mark on my heart with their enthusiasm and dedication to learning. Their talent, creativity and kindness will always be remembered and I cherish the bonds we formed during our time together.

In conclusion, my journey at SLIIT was more than just a lecturing experience; it was an opportunity to be part of a community that values learning, creativity and compassion. It allowed me to connect with students on a deeper level, understanding their aspirations and helping them navigate their academic journey. The memories we created together, from the lecture halls to the events, will always hold a special place in my heart as they were filled with moments of joy, discovery and growth. I am grateful for the time I spent at SLIIT for the lessons I learned as much as the ones I taught and for the incredible students I had the privilege of guiding. Their success and happiness continue to inspire me and I carry with me the warmth of our shared experiences as I move forward in my own journey.

"Good luck, my kids. May your futures be as bright and extraordinary as the talent and passion you’ve shown in our time together!!!"

My kids from the Faculty of Computing

My kids from the Faculty of Humanities & Sciences


  1. Miss you dear madam! Thank you for being an amazing and the best, first lecturer at the very first phase of our university journey.


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