Undergraduate Lecturing Diaries at KAATSU International University (KIU): Blended Learning

 Reflections on My Lecturing Journey at KIU

Embarking on my journey as a lecturer in English at KAATSU International University (KIU) has been a transformative experience, one that I cherish deeply. Over the years, I have had the privilege of teaching students across various English language programs, ranging from Elementary to Advanced levels. This journey has not only allowed me to grow as an educator but also to connect with students from diverse academic backgrounds, each bringing their unique perspectives and challenges.

Delivering Lectures Across Diverse Programs and Faculties

My lecturing experience encompasses students from Batches 5, 6, 7 and 8 across all the faculties at KIU including the Faculty of Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of IT, Faculty of Education & Languages and Faculty of Law. The diversity of their degree programs required a tailored approach to lecturing, one that considered the specific jargon and professional language relevant to their fields.

For instance, when lecturing students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, I integrated medical-related terminology into our discussions, ensuring that they could relate to the content while simultaneously improving their English language skills. Similarly, with students from the Faculty of IT, I incorporated technical language and scenarios that resonated with their academic pursuits. This approach not only made the learning process more engaging but also more relevant to their future careers.

Designing Lecture Materials and Activities

Designing lecture materials and activities that cater to the specific needs of each student group was both a challenge and a rewarding experience. For Elementary level students, I focused on building a strong foundation in basic English, using simple, relatable content that encouraged active participation. Interactive activities such as role-plays, simple dialogues and basic writing exercises were key in helping these students gain confidence in their language abilities.

In contrast, for Preparatory, Intermediate, and Advanced level students, the focus shifted to more complex language structures and advanced vocabulary. For these students, I designed lectures that challenged their critical thinking and language proficiency, incorporating discussions on current events, case studies and academic writing exercises. The aim was to ensure that each student, regardless of their starting point was adequately challenged and supported in their journey to English proficiency.

Being a former academic member of the Curriculum Development Committee at KIU and having the opportunity to develop the B.Ed. (Hons) in English degree curriculum was a significant and enriching experience. It allowed me to contribute meaningfully to the academic framework of the institution while also expanding my own expertise in curriculum design.

Specialized Teaching for Healthcare Professionals

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my role was teaching nursing undergraduates who were also practicing nurses in the healthcare sector. This unique group required a specialized approach, as the language used in healthcare is both technical and precise. I developed lesson plans that incorporated medical terminology and scenarios that they could encounter in their daily work. This not only improved their English language skills but also enhanced their ability to communicate effectively in a professional healthcare setting.

Fostering Student Engagement Through Interactive Activities

Beyond traditional lectures, I made it a priority to incorporate numerous interactive activities that would keep students engaged and motivated. We organized debate competitions, drama competitions, compeering contests and best speaker competitions, all of which provided students with platforms to showcase their language skills and talents in a competitive yet supportive environment.

To keep the energy levels high during lectures, I introduced a variety of ice-breakers and interactive games such as the word chain game, the grass skirt game and even singing sessions. These activities not only made the classes more lively but also encouraged students to participate actively, thereby enhancing their learning experience.

Adapting to Online Learning with Interactive Strategies

The shift to online learning posed its own set of challenges, but it also offered opportunities to explore new teaching methods. To break the monotony of online classes, I integrated gaming platforms such as Kahoot, Quizizz and Wisconline into my lessons. These platforms allowed for a more interactive and engaging online learning experience, ensuring that students remained motivated and involved, even in a virtual setting.

DIONYSIA: A Celebration of English Language Day

One of the most memorable experiences during my time at KIU was organizing 'DIONYSIA', the English language day with Batch 7 students. This event was a celebration of the students’ achievements and progress in their language journey. It featured a variety of performances, presentations and interactive sessions, all of which highlighted the students’ confidence and competence in English.

Memories- DIONYSIA-2022

Contributions Beyond the Classroom

My journey at KIU was not limited to teaching. I also had the opportunity to contribute to the university’s growth and development through various non-academic roles. Serving as the former secretary of the Staff Development Committee provided me with insights into the professional development of academic staff. My role as a co-editor and member of the International Journal Committee allowed me to contribute to the dissemination of research and scholarly work, further enriching my academic experience.

I was also privileged to be part of several important committees, including the Staff Development Committee, the Anti-Ragging Committee, the Gender Equity & Equality Committee and the Career Guidance Unit. Serving as the secretary of the Staff Development Committee was an invaluable opportunity that allowed me to enhance and refine my skills beyond my primary role as a lecturer. Further, the other roles broadened my perspective and deepened my commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for both students and staff.

A Day to Remember

The 5th convocation at KIU was a particularly significant and emotional experience for me as an academic. Watching my students, whom I had guided and mentored through their academic journey, walk across the stage to receive their diplomas was truly overwhelming. The pride and joy I felt in that moment were indescribable. Seeing them reach this milestone and knowing that I played a part in their success left me speechless. It was a powerful reminder of why I chose to become a lecturer to inspire, support and celebrate the achievements of my students. This memory will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Gratitude to KIU

Reflecting on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for KIU, my first workplace, where I have grown as a confident lecturer and as an individual. The diverse experiences, both academic and non-academic, have shaped me into a more effective and empathetic lecturer. KIU will always hold a special place in my heart and I am excited to continue this journey, contributing to the academic community with passion and dedication.


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